Sunday, October 11, 2009

Should you wear socks with sandals?

I work with a guy and have a brother that every time they were open sandals they also have on a pair of white socks. I don't know about you but I think this is the most ugly thing to look at. What is the point?

Should you wear socks with sandals?
I totally agree, although I have a problem with men wearing sandals anyway, they are just so feminine, but that's just me. Socks and sandals do not go together!!!
Reply:No, not unless you're a geek.
Reply:no dear it looks very tacky!

if u hv sexy toes u needn't hide them.

otherwise u can!!!
Reply:socks with sandals just do not go together, it is too weird to look at. then again if you like it do it. do not go by what myself and others say.
Reply:definately no
Reply:it is kinda silly but hey, don't sweat the small stuff.
Reply:bad idea i think it makes guys look like big sissies why bother wearing the socks
Reply:No. Sandals and socks is very 1993.

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