Sunday, October 11, 2009

WHy do girls always wear sandals? Even in winter?

Yah Why do girls always where sandals even if its 20 degrees outside, raining, exe, I asked a girl once and she replied "because im a girl" that clearly doesn't make sense so can somone shed some light?

WHy do girls always wear sandals? Even in winter?
Not all girls wear sandals all the time.
Reply:Yikes! I live in Chicago and I would never wear sandals in the winter. I guess I just prefer to keep my feet looking pretty and not expose them to the elements! I remember working at Hollister in high school and no matter what time of year we always had to wear flip flops. That might have something to do with it...Other than that I think those girls are crazy!
Reply:To show off her pretty toes, of course! Seriously though, I don't wear them in freezing weather, but they are very comfortable. I do wear them with dresses almost always because of comfort and style. They always look great with a dressy outfit and heels are so constricting. I never mind wet feet, but there is a risk of getting dirty feet:) Usually women sacrifice those minor issues for style. It's just part of our charm;)
Reply:Some think its cute %26amp; others sexy %26amp; those think confort too...all three are wrong...society has fooled them into this thinking. They are cute cause very few women actually look good or sexy in them. comfort i see women walk worse more unstable in them then in boots or high heels
Reply:i wear sandals all year around:) i think they are much easier to wear. i hate sneakers and such. and they match EVERYTHING:) i have a pair in each color and they just go with whatever. also it shows off your pedicures
Reply:I live in Canada. It snows here. A LOT. It snowed a foot here a week ago. So i only wear sandals in the summer-as in July and August and thats it.
Reply:i luv sandals!

i wear sandals all year round , including the winter

mainly becuz they r cuter and they r much easier to wear, rather than tying up laces for shoes, i can just slip them on
Reply:Because they are comfortable. I hate tennis shoes. They're all constricting.
Reply:beacuse its fashion!!
Reply:Because you dont have to wear socks! Plus, its the perfect way to show of ur pedicure! :)
Reply:I don't know. I'm a girl and I wear vans.
Reply:well for me i like to wear sandals cuz they're comfy and easy to wear
Reply:that's because they are too lazy to put on a nice outfit

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