Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is there a home remedy to stop suede sandals from making my feet black?

I have a pair of black suede sandals that make the bottom of my feet black...I can't seem to find anything on the net to stop it...I don't need anything for the top of the sandal...I need to put something on the inside...haha...other than buying a spray(which I don't want to) I can't think of anything...I am leaving for mexico and thought I could live without them...but I can't...and I am staying with a man I am interested in so I really don't want black feet!

Is there a home remedy to stop suede sandals from making my feet black?
Dr Sholls makes a total shoe insole you can attach easily
Reply:easy.....don't wear them.
Reply:You could wear socks! Just kidding. Try lining the sandal with white leather (available at most craft stores.) You can use leather glue to secure the new piece of leather to the sandal. Nobody will see it because your feet will be covering it. If you do a good job, it will look like the sandal was made that way from the start. Good luck.

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