Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can t find silver sandals for my B day dress?

I bought a yellow and gray dress for my bday..and I want to wear silver sandals..but I m having a really hard time finding ones I like...what other colors go with light yellow/gray???

Can t find silver sandals for my B day dress?
Reply:I've seen one at bakers.
Reply:These would be cute...
Reply:Just saw 3 cool ones at and had one. this months Victoria Secret had a bunch, I think it was the spring break catalog
Reply:FYI try Walmart ik they are so well walmart yet they stock silver sandals this late in the season. other then that tried ebay yet?
Reply:Go to my new fave There is a whole page just for silver metallics...

Shipping is free and I've ordered a couple times from them. The company is owned by GAP.

What about bronze? I personally like pewter.


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