Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why do people ask me if I wear sandals because it's religious?

Since I'm Muslim, I wear sandals alot, but I live in Florida, so everyone does. It feels really comfortable, but people think I do because it's religious for Muslims to wear sandals. Where do people get the religious idea?

Why do people ask me if I wear sandals because it's religious?
I have NO idea, Ahmad. That's just funny!!!
Reply:maybe its due to a misconception?
Reply:Well, there is a type of sandal unofficially called "jesus sandals". The are usually the leather ones that have straps around your ankle and upper foot. Do you wear those? That may be the reason.
Reply:As far as I know, it is not religious for Muslims to wear sandals. However like you stated, Florida's quite hot, so seeing someone wear sandals isn't surprising. Perhaps people are just teasing you, unless you wear sandals to things like concerts, formal events (such as weddings). That's the time to change to some dress shoes.
Reply:AlhamdAllah for Islam.
Reply:People are idiots.

I think you should come up with some equally stupid question to ask them to see how they like it.
Reply:If you live in Fl and everyone else does........

Why are they asking you about it?

Your question doesn't make sense to me, it seems like a battleground about religion.....sorry.......
Reply:So you wear sandals to get people to ask you questions. OK.

The religious idea comes from the assumptions that people have about certain things.

Reminds of the movie "Urban Cowboy", do ya remember the standard question because a guy wears a cowboy hat?

"You a real cowboy?"
Reply:Jesus and people of his time wore them. Your in Florida doesn't everyone there wear sandals of some type this time of year? I prefer flip flops myself
Reply:I have never thought of that before. Now that I think of it, whenever I see footage on TV that is showing Muslim people over in the Middle East I remember them as wearing sandals. I never thought it was a religious thing, I assumed it was because they were poor people and sandals are cheaper to make and buy than Nike or a pair of BK. Maybe my assumption is even worse that the religious one.
Reply:Do you have cute feet?

I love a guy with cute feet!
Reply:Some people are very uneducated when it comes to religion so they think everything you do has to relate to your religion.

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